
Watch: Rahul Gandhi asks BJP how they allowed Vijay Mallya to run away with Rs 9000 crore?

"He left the nation, but Jaitley ji did not answer that. He gave a lengthy speech, but the question was how this government allowed him to escape?"

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Watch: Rahul Gandhi asks BJP how they allowed Vijay Mallya to run away with Rs 9000 crore?

Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi on Thursday lashed out at Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley for not telling the Parliament as to how liquor baron Vijay Mallya managed to flee the country and questioned Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s commitment to bring back black money stashed in safe havens abroad. 

Gandhi said that the Finance Minister spoke at length over this issue in Parliament, but failed to answer the basic question as to how Mallya left the country.
‘Before becoming the PM, he (Narendra Modi) said that he would get back black money and deposit Rs 15 lakh in bank accounts. Not even a rupee was paid. And now Mallya has run away with Rs. 9000 crores. We asked Jaitley ji, how Mallya ji left the nation,’ Gandhi told the media. 

‘He left the nation, but Jaitley ji did not answer that. He gave a lengthy speech, but the question was how this government allowed him to escape, there was no answer on that,’ he added.

The Parliament today witnessed a major uproar following Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi’s statement that Mallya left the country on March 2 and could be in the UK. The Congress MPs led by party president Sonia Gandhi staged a walkout of the Lok Sabha soon after Jaitley's address.

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