
Anoushka Shankar’s pregnancy tips to Konkona Sen Sharma

The singer has a list of dos and don’ts during pregnancy that she would like to share with another expectant mother, actress Sharma.

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Anoushka Shankar’s pregnancy tips to Konkona Sen Sharma


Music maestro Pandit Ravi Shankar’s daughter Anoushka is due to deliver in about three weeks and she is taking all care to ensure that her first pregnancy is a safe and problem free one. And she is wishing the same for another pregnant Bollywood actress — Konkona Sen Sharma.

“Yes, I’ve heard of her (Konkona’s) pregnancy and I wish her all the best and my hearty congratulations to her!” says Shankar before proceeding to dole out some friendly advice to Koko for her impending delivery.

“My only tips are to rest when you’re tired and not push yourself to do something if you can avoid it,” she says.

The singer is also in favour of eating healthy during this delicate phase. “I’d say that one should eat nutritious foods  because you also have to think about feeding your baby at this stage,” says Shankar.

But medical advice aside, the singer says that it is most important to be happy when you are pregnant. “I’d say that one must find the time to just sit and enjoy being pregnant — watching your belly move and feel the amazing kicks and tumbles inside you; it’s so fascinating!” she exclaims as she talks about her own pregnancy.

According to Shankar, all pregnant mothers like Konkona can always try that little bit of exercise to keep themselves agile during the final weeks of their pregnancy. As for her, Anoushka says that she has always looked at yoga to keep herself fit and healthy. And being in the ninth month of pregnancy has not stopped her from continuing with yoga!

“Yes, I still do yoga. I’ve been attending prenatal classes or I have a teacher come home for private classes, about three times a week,” she says giving a sneak peak into her health regime.
But she also advices that there are certain things that are best avoided during pregnancy and that one must seek constant medical help to know that to do and what not to at every stage.

“There are some things you shouldn’t do when you are pregnant, so it’s important to have good guidance to be safe. But yoga has been a real-lifesaver for me through this pregnancy,” she adds.

As for her, Shankar says that she  doesn’t want to reveal the name that she  has chosen for her son. “We have thought of several names, but would like to reserve the final decision after we meet our little one, and share it with you then,” she concludes.

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