
Mess with the wrong man at your peril, he might tell Mummy

Behind every great man is a great woman — or, specifically, a strong mother, with apron strings made of titanium.

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Mess with the wrong man at your peril, he might tell Mummy

Does Simon Cowell attribute his success to an uncanny ability to pinpoint the next emotionally charged, schmaltzy number one? No, it is Julie, his mother, a self-styled "dragoness" who encouraged his vanity and beat him when he was obnoxious.

Who did David Beckham spend last Mother's Day with? Not with his children and their mother, Victoria, but his own mother, Sandra, a woman whose loyalty towards her son knows no limits. She was there last month, watching in the stands, as David made his debut for Paris Saint-Germain.

According to a survey this week, about half of the nation's men would describe themselves as "mummy's boys". But when it comes to men in high-flying jobs such as chief executives or doctors, as many as 62 per cent revel in the title. It is often considered a slur - but clearly not among those with multi-million pound contracts, England caps and Oscars to their name.

They know the truth. Mothers are the key to all their triumphs. The wise Eve Branson, who taught Sir Richard all he knows (save how to wear a tie), once famously chucked the seven-year-old Richard out of the car three miles from home.

Having become frustrated with his shyness (if only it had stayed with him, think of the terrible sights we would have been spared), she decided he needed toughening up. "You will now walk home. You will have to talk to people to find your way," she told him. Ten hours later, he arrived. But he had learnt his lesson. "No matter how tired or afraid you are, you have to figure out how to keep going," he later said.

Eve, 88, is still learning new languages and plays sport every day. "That determination to improve must be in my genes," she recently said. "My son has it, and my own mother made it into the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest person in the world to get a hole-in-one at golf. She was in her nineties."

Experts say, however, it is not inevitable that tough, powerful women produce successful sons. "The first three years of a child's life are profoundly important in their development," says psychologist Ros Taylor. "Powerful mothers are obviously role models, but it depends how that plays out and how much they use that power to foster and free that child." She points out that many sons are crushed by the personality of forceful mothers. Mark Thatcher and Edward VII are two who spring to mind.

It is always touching to see tycoons, men who can fire a thousand staff with the flick of a Rolex-wrapped wrist, in trepidation of their own mothers. Rupert Murdoch famously feared only one woman: Dame Elisabeth, the philanthropist and matriarch of the Australian dynasty. She called herself "tough as old boots" and would frequently tell her eldest son off when she disapproved of his business dealings.

Lord Browne of Madingley's devotion to his mother went further. The businessman, who ran the oil giant BP for more than a decade, was so powerful that his nickname was "The Sun King". Downing Street, the White House, boxes at the Royal Opera House - wherever he was invited, the industrialist would usually bring Paula along as his plus-one. People often wondered who the small, grey-haired lady sipping champagne in the corner of the room might be. It was his mother, with whom he lived for 20 years.

He admits that the indomitable woman, who had survived a year in Auschwitz, was one reason he had never come out as a gay man while he was at BP. The moment his private life became known, commentators gleefully brought up the detail of Paula and Lord Browne sharing the same home.

Grown men living with their mothers are rarely viewed kindly in Britain. The most famous example in popular culture is the wonderfully henpecked Ronnie Corbett character Timothy Lumsden in Sorry.

Yet on the continent there is no shame attached to public declarations of filial love. Raymond Blanc, the French chef, credits "Maman Blanc", now 91 and going strong, not just with inspiring his apple tart and tomato salad recipes, but for his whole philosophy. "She is responsible for the way I am. I have learnt curiosity, interest and humility from her."

The most unabashed sons, though, are Oscar winners. An "I love you, Mom" is even more common than "Thank you, Harvey Weinstein" (who has been acknowldged 12 times). Indeed, male winners thank their mother more than their father - usually with tears in their eyes and a punch of the statuette.

Clint Eastwood hailed his mother as "the greatest woman on the planet". No one bats an eyelid when the likes of Colin Farrell, George Clooney, Ryan Gosling or Javier Bardem parade their ma on the red carpet, while Daniel Day-Lewis won even more fans when he looked heavenwards and said "for my mother" before walking off stage at last month's awards.

The fullest matriarchal praise came from a Brit, Tom Hooper, two years ago. Accepting the award for best director for The King's Speech, he movingly told the tale of how his mother had spotted the script for the film.

"So with this tonight, I honour you," he said, to Meredith, adding for the benefit of his audience, "and the moral of the story is: listen to your mother."

He's right. If you do, you'll get to the top.

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