
Inner Truth: Embody Your Dreams

Inner Truth: Embody Your Dreams

Intention is a powerful force. Fuelled by imagination, it brings to life the dreams of champion athletes and best-selling authors alike. When you visualise and affirm your goal, you give it a dynamic power that sets the stage for success. This focus actually trains your brain on what you need to make it happen.

The human brain has this amazing tool called the reticular activating system. It operates full-time to let in the information appropriate to our current intentions. When you’re driving and feeling hungry, for instance, what do you notice? All those fast-food billboards. If you suddenly realize your gas gauge is on empty, your focus changes to finding a gas station.

When you form inspired intentions linked to powerful emotions, the reticular activating system filters out what you don’t need and lets in those resources you do need—the people, ideas, and possibilities. Those resources were there before, but you weren’t seeing or sorting them, because you were focused on fast food, gas stations, or something equally mundane.

Now, however, you see the valuable resources that match your beliefs and align with your goal. You start to perceive opportunities, attract supportive people, and take actions that accelerate your success.

The author is founder of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul®
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