
Sex and the Maiden

To reduce the narrative of any powerful, successful, authoritative and imposing woman to a titillating essay on her alleged sexual escapades, smacks of male mischief

Sex and the Maiden
Sex and the Maiden

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a woman in a position of power and authority, would definitely want to strip her soul of all human desires. Because with great power comes a greater call for abstinence. Purity. And a woman who is a public figure, an icon, should never be caught in a tussle between the spirit and the flesh.

There is a far greater curiosity, almost bordering on the prurient, about the sexual life of women who are public figures, compared to that of their male counterparts. Sometimes it remains unspoken, couched in obtuse language and a nudge-nudge wink-wink, as in the case of the late J Jayalalitha. At others, it leads to conspiracies and covert operations to ensure there are no skeletons toppling out of the vintage closets, as in the case of Victoria, the former British Monarch. At others, it just becomes grist for gossip and a weapon in the hands of a few men. Men who would want us to judge a woman in power who may have acknowledged her need for physical intimacy. Sometimes, even outside a marriage.
Which could explain why, there has been surging interest in the so called sexual escapades of the late Indira Gandhi. This is not the space to engage in a political debate or question the veracity of the articles and fake excerpts doing the rounds. But this is certainly a good time to ask, so what?
So what if a woman played the big boys just as they played their female peers? So what if her famously cold demeanour was a carefully constructed armour? So what if she was great in bed?

It matters perhaps to men because historically rulers, monarchs, administrators were always men whose sexual prowess added to their stature. Across cultures, men have celebrated the more libidinous among them. But for a woman to command the same power and authority, required her to appear leeched of lust. Virtuous. What for men has always been viewed as a matter of strength, has been a woman's biggest weakness.
To reduce the narrative of any powerful, successful, authoritative and imposing woman to a titillating essay on her alleged sexual escapades, smacks of male mischief. Especially from the kind who would have felt threatened or over shadowed by their sheer brilliance. The Queen included.

(Scribbler, scribe, traveller Chandrima Pal takes you through the sexual landscape of today)


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