
Check out these 5 foods to strengthen your immune system

List of 5 powerful immune system boosters in your diet plan.

  • DNA Web Team
  • |
  • Oct 28, 2022, 04:49 PM IST

Providing your body with specific foods may assist maintain a healthy immune system.

The first thing you should do while looking for ways to prevent getting colds, flu, or other infections is to go to your neighbourhood grocery store.

Include these 5 powerful immune system boosters in your diet plans.


1. Garlic


Almost every cuisine in the world uses garlic. It enhances the flavour of food and is essential for good health. Its effectiveness in preventing infections was known by ancient civilizations. Additionally, there is some evidence that garlic helps lower blood pressure and that it may slow down artery hardening.

The high concentration of sulfur-containing compounds in garlic, like allicin, appears to be the source of its immune-stimulating effects.

2. Broccoli


Broccoli is loaded with vitamins and minerals. Broccoli is one of the healthiest veggies you can eat because it is loaded with vitamins A, C, and E, fibre, and several antioxidants.

Cooking it as little as possible, or better yet, not at all, is the secret to maintaining its power. According to research, steaming is the best method for preserving more nutrients in food.

3. Spinach


Spinach not only has high vitamin C, but also loaded with beta carotene and a tonne of other antioxidants that may help our immune systems fight off infections.

Like broccoli, spinach benefits from being cooked as little as possible to preserve its nutrients. However, mild heating improves the intake of vitamin A and permits the release of other nutrients from the antinutrient oxalic acid.

4. Yogurt


Buy plain yoghurt whenever possible rather than flavor- and sugar-laden varieties. Instead, you can sweeten plain yoghurt on your own with some honey and wholesome fruits.

Choose brands of yoghurt that have been fortified with vitamin D since it can also be a fantastic source of this nutrient. Vitamin D is thought to strengthen our body's natural defences against sickness and aid in immune system regulation.

5. Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds

Phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamins B-6 and E are among the many minerals found in sunflower seeds. The immune system needs vitamin E to function properly and be maintained. Dark leafy greens and avocados are among other foods that are strong in vitamin E.

Sunflower seeds contain a staggering amount of selenium. Just 1 ounce contains over half of the daily selenium requirements for an adult. Numerous research have examined its ability to fight viral diseases like the swine flu, most of which were conducted on animals (H1N1).

