
Inner Truth: No One is Perfect

It was a wise man who said: “Only in grammar can you be more than perfect.” And an Italian proverb warns us wryly: “He that will have a perfect brother must resign himself to remain brotherless.”

Inner Truth: No One is Perfect

It was a wise man who said: “Only in grammar can you be more than perfect.” And an Italian proverb warns us wryly: “He that will have a perfect brother must resign himself to remain brotherless.”

And here is a brilliant piece of inductive reasoning: “I am a nobody. Nobody is perfect. Therefore, I am perfect.”

The spirit of tolerance and acceptance is essential to a happy life and a peaceful mind. The world we live in is far from perfect; we are not ourselves paragons of perfection; and the same goes for the people around us. As they say, it's a crazy, mixed-up world – but we must recognise ourselves as part of all this imperfection, and accept life as it comes.

The greatest famine in the world today is the famine of understanding. No two people seem to understand each other today! Therefore, misunderstandings abound in our age. There is misunderstanding in our homes, our clubs, our schools, colleges, universities, corporations and organisations.

I recall the words of the great Parsi Prophet, Zoroaster: “Know well that a hundred temples of wood and stone have not the value of one understanding heart!” 

Understanding hearts are what we need, so that people may live and work in harmonious, peaceful co-existence.

The author, head of Sadhu Vaswani Mission, is a spiritual master.

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