
Dear Kangana, preening male superstars will come and go but you come once in a lifetime

Following the recent distressful wrangle in Kangana Ranaut's personal life, Malavika Sangghvi pens her a letter

Dear Kangana, preening male superstars will come and go but you come once in a lifetime
Kangana Ranaut

Dear Kangana,

At the onset, I apologise for writing you an open letter when I could have just as well emailed you personally; but then, so much of what has happened in your life recently is in the public domain, that it made sense to direct this communication into that arena too.

I daresay, those of us who have admired and long cherished you, not only for your remarkable talent, but also for your infallible courage and unique persona, have been more than a little concerned by the nasty turn in your personal life recently.

We have worried for you, been appalled at the ugly, no-holds-barred battle you have been put through and above all, been saddened that one as talented, unique, courageous and inspiring as you, have been humiliated and hurt in this manner.

Mercifully, the newspapers now report that there will be a cessation of hostilities between you and the obstreperous male star in question, thanks to the intervention of well-meaning friends.

This comes as a relief for those of us who experienced the same sense of nausea one feels when we chance upon a kitten wounded in a hit-and-run accident.

Because regardless of the truth of whether or not the two of you were involved in what is loosely called 'an affair', the dignity of the human spirit was compromised.

But let us put this aside for the moment. Their boorishness, narcissism and monumental sense of entitlement is not my concern at the moment. You are. Not only for who you are, but what you stand for in the world of entertainment today.

A world which is so rampantly misogynistic, where the dice is so heavily loaded against women – especially women who do not come from established show biz clans – that it makes ones toes curl.

Practically each month, we read of young actresses and models killing themselves over heartbreak and cruelty by their so-called paramours.

The extent of the brutality they experience is stomach churning. The details may vary, but the overarching theme is always the same: the love and loneliness of vulnerable women exploited by powerful and uncaring men, who use them in whatever way they choose and then cast them aside with no qualms whatsoever.

Fortunately this time, even though it involved a brawl in which there would be no real winners – you chose to stand up for yourself.

You stood up for yourself knowing how well entrenched and clannish male superstars and their misogyny is in the industry; and by doing so, you sounded the clarion call for all women everywhere.

Henceforth, let no powerful man think he can trample over a woman, frighten her, insult her, or use his connections and position to intimidate her. She will fight back. For her honor, her sense of dignity and for the memory of that love which however misdirected and unappreciated it was, deserved better.

So please do not worry that this sad and sorry episode is going to affect your career and the regard your friends and fans have for you.

Your so called 'disorders and disabilities', your wild and crazy heart, your original, off-kilter and unique approach to life and your unswerving belief in yourself, after all, is what has made you light up the screen in film after film and role after role, winning you awards and respect.

And as far as we are concerned: dozens of pretty, prancing, preening male superstars will come and go, but a Kangana Ranaut comes once in a lifetime and thank God she is intact and free to live and love the way she thinks best.

With every good wish etc.

(The columnist believes in the art of writing letters)

The views expressed in this column are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the publication.

