
Health Matters: When blood circulation becomes a problem

Dr Harald Stossier - Medical Director, VIVAMAYR and Founder of Modern Mayr Medicine

Health Matters: When blood circulation becomes a problem
Harald Stossier

The cardiovascular system supplies our cells with fresh oxygen from our lungs as well as water and nutrients from our digestive system. This way, power and energy are carried through the body 24x7. When drugs, toxins, inflammations, chronic diseases or consequences of an accident disrupt the cardiovascular flow, it is immediately noticeable: Skin discolouration, pigmentation, painful weakness, sensory disturbances, temperature sensitivity and poorly healing wounds are possible consequences.

Chances of recovery 

Given the cause is found quickly in such a situation and the damage is rather new, chances of recovery are very good. A thorough anamnesis (a patient’s account of their medical history) and physical examination completed by Applied Kinesiology and laboratory diagnostics can address many questions. The following therapies will result in significant improvements by stabilising the oxygen supply of cells: circulation enhancing herbs, hot-and-cold baths and Kneipp cures, lymph drainage, acupuncture, infusion therapy and IHHT (Intermittent Hypoxia-Hyperoxia Therapy) cell training.

Damage caused

Microcirculation disruptions are very often caused by creeping autointoxication with inferior alcohol and putrefaction poisons from faulty digestive processes. These poisons reach the liver first and cause considerable damage on a daily basis before flooding the whole body. The slightest irritation of the surface of a vessel then causes an inflammatory response and alteration in the blood vessel, which will lead to tissue and organ damage.


Vivamayr therapy temporarily calms and profoundly cleanses the digestive system, thus enabling the strained system to recover. Applied Kinesiology will detect food intolerances, which will then be treated by specific food substitution. This way your digestion will be strengthened and existing damage will be reduced. The particular behaviour causing faulty digestion will be explained and modified comprehensively. Thus, hypertension and insecureness caused by blood pressure adapting too slowly to changes of position will be reduced sustainably.

‘Energise’ your day with these tips:

- Drink a glass of room temperature water as soon as you get up. 
- Pour cold water over your arms and legs after a hot shower (always from right to left and from the outside to the inside). Rub yourself dry quickly and get dressed immediately. 
- Have a warming breakfast including millet gruel, almond milk, blueberries or cranberries and a tablespoon of sunflower seeds.
- Instead of having a small snack in mid-morning, drink a glass of water with Vivamayr alkalising powder.
- Eat a strengthening, alkaline vegetable soup with 2 tablespoons of linseed oil for lunch. 
- Have an alkaline drink in the afternoon.
- Start the evening with an alkaline bath and eat a sandwich.
- In doing so, even busy days can be converted into days for recovery and detoxification because you are worth it!

