
It's just the start!: Sidhartha Mallya

Sidhartha Mallya on incorrect perceptions, a change in name and how he deals with his followers' obsession with his crotch on his six-episode web show

It's just the start!: Sidhartha Mallya

Bratty and arrogant are the words one usually associates with Sidhartha Mallya, but what one usually doesn't see coming is his quirky brand of humour. Sid (as he now prefers being called) feels he's been seriously misunderstood for his harmless one-liners and jokes that he often cracks at his own expense.

He even produced a series of six webisodes titled #SidSessions where he takes on his critics and answers questions like 'Do you have dick?'. He didn't just stop there in the first episode, where he took a light-hearted jab at a media house for putting out a video that focussed on his former girlfriend Deepika Padukone's cleavage. Given the fact that Sid was linked to her in the past we decided to ask him if she connected with him after watching this episode...Read to know more...

We caught up with Sid and grilled him. Read on...

What brought about the idea for the web series?
I initially only intended to make a one-off video for a group of my friends after one of them asked me how I dealt with all the criticism I get on Twitter. We then realised that it was actually quite funny so I decided to make six episodes for the public.

What will we see next on #SidSessions ?
More of the same!! A lot of people ask me why I don't also feature the positive comments and compliments that I get. The reason is because you then become a self promoter. There are already far to many of those in India, and I was not prepared to become yet another sheep in an already overpopulated flock.

Are you scripting the web series yourself?
Yes, although there isn't really a script! I just respond off the top of my head to the comments made…

Do you fear that the popularity of your web series will compartmentalise you as a YouTuber and not an actor?
No, because I don't intend to do much more unscripted stuff in the future. This is all a bit of fun, but my next project will definitely be in the scripted variety.

Apart from what we see in the first episode of #SidSessions, how do you deal with nasty criticism in life?
Ignore it, laugh at it, and give it back!!

Do you think some people on Twitter are obsessed with your crotch? You took on three questions pertaining to that area!
That's just the start….wait till the next few episodes!

Does the way people perceive you (as a rich spoiled brat) bother you?
Nope. That unfortunately is a perception created by the media. Those who really know me will tell you that I am exactly the opposite.

Why did you register yourself as 'Sid' Mallya in the Screen Actors Guild?
Because I have grown up my whole life in England being called Sid by friends, family, teachers, etc. A lot of people think I have changed my name, but all I have done is take the abbreviated form of 'Sidhartha', the same was that 'Will' is short for 'William', 'Brad' is short for Bradley, etc.

Why haven't you tried your luck at Bollywood yet?
I don't think I fully understand the space, neither do I feel like I can do it complete justice. And to be honest, I don't think the Indian audiences would relate to me as their on-screen representative that easily either given both the accent and language barrier.

What's your reaction to being compared to Russell Brand?
Love it. He is another person who isn't afraid to speak his mind, even if it doesn't sit too well with people.

We liked the bit towards the end of the first episode where you slammed The Times of India for the "cleavage controversy."
Of course you did, you're DNA (Laughs)! No, but seriously, it was all meant in jest.

Not many know that you are an ordained priest. Just two questions, why and how?
(Laughs) I saw Joey did it in an episode of Friends. I looked up how to do it, went through the process online and it happened!

