
Rainbow Guru: I’m straight, when my sports teacher comes close to me, I just go into a trance-like space. Am I gay?

What we can and should do, however, is have you go to a counsellor who may be able to help you understand the changes you are going through.

Rainbow Guru: I’m straight, when my sports teacher comes close to me, I just go into a trance-like space. Am I gay?
Sushant Divgikar

Hi! I’m straight, but have recently been attracted to my sports teacher in school. When he comes close to me, I just go into a trance-like space. Am I gay?


Right now, you are very very young and your hormones might be all over the place and touching the ceiling. It may not be the wisest decision to categorise yourself as gay, straight, bisexual or anything else.

What we can and should do, however, is have you go to a counsellor who may be able to help you understand the changes you are going through.

Considering you are in school, maybe you should concentrate on doing your homework and finishing submissions on time...Engage in an activity such as music or dance.

Also, bear in mind that you are a minor and your teacher is an adult. Also, that he’s your TEACHER! Try nipping these thoughts towards him in the bud.


Write to him at

(Psychologist and performer, Mr Gay World India 2014 Sushant Divgikar is your counsellor, guide and conscience through the choppy waters of sexuality)

