
Dreaming of cat a symbol of independence, companionship and resilience

Dreaming of cat

Cat, especially a black one, is considered to be a symbol of witches in disguise. One of the most popular omens in America about cats are that if it sneezes a day prior to a wedding, it is complimented as favourable sign for a bride. Cats are said to have nine lives, therefore, it is a symbol of reinvention.

Cats have both negative and positive attributes depending upon the circumstances of the dream. To dream of a cat may suggest a strong sexual undercurrent, due to the crude and slang terminology for female genitalia. However, a quick interpretation of a dream about cat reveals independence, companionship and resiliency.


  • It indicates an increase in wealth and reputation as well as being able to conquer all hurdles and difficulties. But if the cat attacks you, your foes will stoop to any level to ruin your name and property.

  • If you dream about a cat which is white and clean, it signifies being ensnared in confusions, which seem harmless, but will cause great grief and ruining of riches. To dream of encountering a sickly, dirty cat is a portent of unfortunate news from those who are away. But if you dream of chasing away the cat, then your friends will recuperate after a long-term illness.
  • A white cat with blue eyes means that you will feel great affection for someone.
  • If you are being scratched by a cat, it is an indication that one of your foes will snatch away from you the gains of a deal for which you toiled.
  • If you’re friendly with a cat, it is a sign that a dispute is about to end. If you’re fighting with a cat, it indicates that you are entertaining a foe in order to discover some secret about yourself.
  • If you’re holding a cat in your hands, it means that you will be lured into improper acts by deception by others.
  • If a cat looks at you cunningly, it signifies a lack of trust and treachery. This urges the dreamer to examine his friends and confidants carefully.
  • If a cat attacks, the dreamer is in danger of rivals who will slander and ruin him/her. If he/she gets rid of the cat, he will overcome all obstacles and rise in fame and wealth. Hearing the meowing or howling of a cat means that the dreamer should be cautious in relationships.
  • If it scratches the dreamer, he/she should be careful about money transaction.


  • Avoid having milk for three days. Donate it at a place of worship.
  • Mix milk with water and take bath.

Q: I was born on 24-09-1971, at 12.20 pm in Mumbai. Please suggest some mantra for stability in my career.
— Rajan Nagarkoti

A: The position tends to cause instability in career up to age of 49. You will achieve success with a lot of hard work. I foresee a good fortune. Recite this mantra, Aum Ra Rahwe Nameh, 108 times in the morning. Wear a seven-carat ruby on your ring finger on Sundays.

(The columnist is author of 32 books on astrology, numerology, Vaastu, tarot, dreams and moles. He features regularly on various TV channels)

