
Neurons to Nirvana: An Interview with Oliver Hockenhull

Neurons to Nirvana: An Interview with Oliver Hockenhull

Neurons to Nirvana is a film about the scientific and cultural resurgence of psychedelics as medicines that was crowdfunded on . We live in an age where a film like Neurons to Nirvana, on an extremely controversial topic, has a chance to be seen because it is powered and shared by the people. The fact that people are having the option to create material based on their interest, regardless of mainstream support, is something absolutely profound.Film maker Oliver Hockenhull shares his thoughts on the film, crowdfunding and psychedelics in an exclusive interview with Krishna Bahirwani

Did you always want to be a film-maker?

My first career goal, in my early teens, was to be a writer, an activity that is incorporated into my filmmaking practice.

Are you satisfied with how Neurons to Nirvana turned out?
Thoroughly satisfied personally and equally satisfied because the audience reaction has been so positive.

There are two versions of the film; one is more an advocacy film titled "Neurons to Nirvana: Understanding Psychedelic Medicines" (69 minutes), the other a more personal, a bit more philosophical film essay — "From Neurons to Nirvana: The Great Medicines" (108 minutes), which will only be released later this year.

How important do you believe is the role of technology is in freeing people's minds when it comes to area's such as psychedelics ?

Psychedelics can, when used wisely under the proper set and setting, be extremely valuable tools for accessing the essentially fertile, creative, imaginative, associative and unitive areas of the mind. They not only give access to such plentitude but also can show to the experiencer the mental blocks and mental loops that may hamper their relationship to their own full expression, and their attitudinal position to the world, to society and to the natural world.

Combined with other technologies of consciousness — including meditation — psychedelics are as their name implies, soul revealers. That's an incredibly complex and tall order!

What is your opinion of the use of psychedelics for personal transformation?

Highly effective if done properly — dangerous otherwise. Again I need to emphasize that these substances are powerful agents that can be used badly, but if they are used properly, with respect and with sufficient preparation and follow up — they can be extraordinarily valuable.

What kind of documentaries can we look forward to from you ?

Currently working on a new production, it's in its early stages research and development phase titled — CITIZEN PLANET: THE MEANING OF INTERBEING — about governance in the hyperinformation age and the necessity of a global cultural renaissance based on life centric ethics and network sciences. I'll be starting a crowdfunding campaign for the film in the next few weeks on the new crowdfunding site: !

What are you doing when you are not making films ?

Taking care of sunflowers, teaching, meditating, making art, reading philosophy, surfing the net, riding my bike, thinking of, loving, and caring for my wife.

