
Find a way to stay fit this winter

Try belly-dancing, circuit training, biking or just stair-climbing!

Find a way to stay fit this winter

Some people strongly believe winter is the best season to start their fitness regimes but to most of them winter blues can make their propositions fail. To most of us, cold weather spells laziness. Alarms ring at 6 am but it is torture to get out of that warm quilt! 
Skipping your fitness sessions in winter, especially if you workout in the mornings, is very normal. If this is the case, plan your workouts a bit later or may be in the evenings.

Keep yourself dressed warm. This keeps your energy levels steady during the workout. The cold can cause muscles to tighten, increasing your risk of injury. Even if exercising indoors, make sure to warm up for at least 10 minutes prior to exercising. Use brisk walking or stationary cycling at low intensity to gradually increase your body temperature. The National Strength and Conditioning Association points out that it is ideal to stretch after warming up, not before.

If you are too lazy or 'cold' to run, why not just walk? Why not stay indoors and perform simple bodyweight exercises. Try all types of different exercises. Make it more recreational than rigorous. You may find ones that are ideal for you - maybe belly-dancing, circuit training, biking or just stair-climbing.

Don't do the same routine; change is good. All you need to do is to start walking or easy spot-jogging and the energy will start to follow as your body starts to warm-up gradually. Hire a personal trainer or join a gym if you feel that spending money or having structure will help; it does help!

Encourage yourself or get a workout partner. Focus on how exercise helps to improve your mood. Think of how it makes you feel happier after getting 'tired'. You can start using it as a way to experience a healthy 'kick' often referred to as 'euphoria'. If you need to blow off steam (stress) you may incorporate kickboxing into your exercise routine.

If you are worried about your health, focus on how regular exercise helps reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis.
Cold weather tends to dehydrate your body faster as it does not retain moisture. Keep sipping water during your workouts and also throughout the day.

Try having a cup of black coffee or green tea before about 20 minutes of starting your workout; a little caffeine will get you rolling easily. Winters are only capable of giving you 'starting trouble'. Once you are warmed-up enough, all that follows will just be fun and fitness, leaving fatigue way behind.

