
I think in English: Kaveri Kapur who released her 3rd single 'Again'

Kaveri Kapur, who recently released her third single, Again, answers some quick questions

I think in English: Kaveri Kapur who released her 3rd single 'Again'
Kaveri Kapur

What do you find the easiest — singing, composing or song writing?

It’s a process but what comes to me most easily is the composition.

Do you find it easier to express yourself in English? 

I think in English, so that’s how I can express myself.

What if you are asked to sing in Hindi? 

I’d like to but I don’t know if I would be good at it.

You collaborated with British pop band The Vamps last year. Are there any more collaborations in the pipeline?  

It’s early days but there is some exciting stuff coming up.

