
Life is a rollercoaster

Aaliya Ramakrishnan is a teen drama queen who plays the violin, sings, dances, and acts, both in real life and on the stage.

Life is a rollercoaster

Do you ever feel like everything’s going really well and and then all of a sudden you have this one disastrous day? Today was one of those days.

I woke up in a good mood…well, good for me (I’m not a morning person). I managed to make it to the bus stop decently presentable (hair combed, shoelaces tied). And then I remembered The Shoebox. My school is making us do what they call ‘Love in a Shoebox.’ We have to fill a shoebox with useful things, decorate it and give it to a school for children with special needs. Now, my didi had reminded me to take the box but, in my hurry, I forgot. So I ran back, crying and screaming down the lane, back to my house to get the shoebox. By the time I returned the bus was there and the bus lady was shooting me nasty glances. NOT the ideal way to start your day.

Our second period was Math… and we had a test. Before I continue, you must understand something about me. I. Am. A. Nerd. There is no other way of putting it. My goal is literally to get an A+ in all Math and Science tests. So when I saw the sums on the paper I was pretty confident. But when I started the paper, my brain turned to mush. I kept on making really dumb mistakes and reading the same sum over and over again. At the end of the day I was so upset I could hardly hold back my tears. 

Then, we went for PE classes. I love playing football and it’s usually loads of fun. This time, however it was the opposite. I got tackled and fell down TWICE. The second time, I cut the inside of my lip and I had to be taken, howling and bleeding to the school nurse. Oh, the embarrassment of it all. To top it all, I messed up my assignment in computer class. Basically the worst day ever!

Almost as if someone somewhere must have decided that the day wasn’t quite bad enough, there had to be one final disaster, the crowning jewel of the day. When I went to my violin class I found out there was to be a photo shoot. And I was in my shiny shorts and a pink tee. So I freaked and asked my didi to get some clothes from home. She got every single skirt in my wardrobe but, instead of my trusty black crop top, she packed my black pinafore. So I ended up wearing a florescent pink top with a denim skirt. Not exactly an outfit from America’s Next Top Model. So the Nerd and the Teen in me, both began to cry.

But I managed to find a positive way to look at such a disastrous day. When everything seems to be going wrong, I just tell myself that all these things are happening so one really good thing can happen next. 
Life is a rollercoaster. Things don’t always turn out perfect. I’ve gone whooshing so far down on my roller coaster today, but tomorrow is bound to go up. 

What’s really important is to hold on to that belief.  


