
Inner truth: Stressed Out? Relax!

Inner truth: Stressed Out? Relax!

Everyone wishes to relax. And everyone is usually too stressed out to relax. People try to find their own modes of relaxation. Someone goes out to watch a film or may be a play. Another person goes to a music concert. And yet another goes for a walk. Yet, one is unable to relax fully. Because if you want to relax, then only one thing is required: your non-doing. Don’t do anything. Just relax.

Let go of all desires for the moment at least, then nothing can agitate you.  Now even letting go is an effort. But a moment in spiritual practice comes when everything is gone, and you are there.

And in this very being-ness, the real relaxation will pour into you. Moreover, this relaxation will come to you for free. No charge, no travelling. You don’t have to wait. You don’t have to go somewhere to experience it. Awareness and an agitated mind cannot be on the same wavelength. As your awareness increases, you begin to take things as they are, not expecting and not acting on others’ expectations.

The author is a guru, mystic, contemporary spiritual master. For details, visit

