
'Art can be a stress reliever'

Kenya-based entrepreneur Kalpa R Padia and executive director of Kinderdance, Kirthana Ramarapu discuss art and its myriad forms.

'Art can be a stress reliever'

Kalpa R Padia, an established entrepreneur from Nairobi, Kenya, is into the field of manufacturing of cheese. Born and brought up in Bangalore in a business family, she is an art historian by profession. She has had always been inclined towards creative spectrum of the universe and tries to create, rather find subtle art environment around her. Passion for art looms large in her in its own possible aspects through-out her life.

Kirthana Ramarapu is the India Master Franchise owner for Kinderdance International Inc, a USA-based company. Her programmes for young children include — education through dance, motor development, gymnastics, music and fitness. Kirthana’s love for education and passion for dance miraculously coincided with the founder and president, Carol Kay Harsell, who motivated her to explore her passion to work with kids.  

Kalpa R Padia: I’ve heard a lot about your work in Bangalore and it’s surprising to know that even you studied in Africa. Tell me more about it...
Kirthana Ramarapu: I’ve been in the country for over 20 years and completed my formal education in Africa. Apart from schooling, I also got exposed to the art and culture of Africa. For instance, their paintings and other forms of African art works did inspire me to take up art. I’ve always been interested in art and did a couple of courses in different forms of art that includes Tanjore paintings. I guess, even you have an art background?
KP: Oh yes, I do. At a time, where only engineering and medicine were considered to be the next big industry, I fought with parents to take up art. I did my degree and masters from Chitra Kala Parishad and took up Art History as my major. I even worked with the jewellery store, Ganjam, for about a year. However, I had to take up some responsibilities post my wedding and started a milk processor company with my husband. So, tell me about the programme you do with kids...
KR: I am passionate about dance, and have this huge interest to interconnect education through dance, music, fitness motor development and gymnastics. I’ve been associated with Kinderdance International, a US-based company for a while now, where we conduct these programmes for kids. I am glad to be the Indian Master Franchise owner, and I enjoy teaching kids education through dance. I want them to feel the five sense organs and improve the art of story-telling, voice modulation, art and craft through these forms.
KP: That’s wonderful. But, the sad part here is that I see a lot of peer pressure among students. There is always a competition amongst students to excel in studies and other extra-curricular activities. But, I am sure programmes like these would help them overcome all that.
KR: More than the parents pressuring their kids, it’s the competition between schools that is worrying. After a long, tiring day at school, it becomes difficult for students to sign up for such courses. It’s only during summer vacation that they find time to register. Considering the fact that even you love art, which one do you enjoy the most — art or business?
KP: Undoubtedly, art! Art is more like a stress reliever, not just for me, but for everyone who is passionate about it.

