
Eat healthy this holiday season

Learn how to enjoy in a balanced way without wrecking your body shape

Eat healthy this holiday season
Diwali Foods

This is the season for family, festivity, and food — lots of food. Temptations are everywhere, and parties and travel disrupt daily routines. So how to make the right choices when most people around you aren’t? Here are the tips that can help.

Eat what you absolutely love

List your top two-three favourite treats during the holidays and commit to having only those. Think of your favourite holiday food on a scale of zero to 10. Eat only nine and 10 rated foods. We have all got our favourites. List them, and stick to them so you can enjoy your favourites without consuming any “accidental” junk food you weren’t planning on.

Avoid foods that are not your favourites

Skip the foods you are ‘meh’ about. Don’t eat something just because it’s a holiday food. For example, if coconut sweet doesn’t excite you, skip it.

Ask yourself, “Am I still enjoying this?”

Whenever you are not sure if you are overeating, one question I recommend my clients ask at different points throughout the meals is, “Am I still enjoying this?” If the answer is yes, then consider continuing to eat. If the answer is no, you also have the option to take a break and then re-evaluate the need for more later.

Enjoy a small serving

Eat smaller portions of food. This is especially important at buffet where you may want to try everything. Choose items you want to try the most and eat a small portion of each.

Scan the menu

Look for key words on the menu that are giveaways for what to avoid. Here are some examples of the most common culprits: pan-fried, crispy, dipped, scalloped, breaded, cream, and Alfredo. Dishes with these words tend to have a lot of hidden fat and salt. Instead, look for menu items with words from the following list: grilled, steamed, baked, roasted, braised, broiled, and seared.

Choose whole grains

Choosing whole wheat or whole grains over white is one of the easiest ways to stick to your “clean” diet during the holidays. If you prefer rice, substitute brown rice in place of white.

Prefer high protein

Foods high in protein, fibre, and water go the furthest in filling you up. These foods take longer to digest and will keep you full for longer. Choose lean proteins such as grilled chicken, turkey, grilled fish, beans, tofu, lentils, sprouts, etc.

Show veggies some love

Fill up half of your plate with vegetables. Spread whatever veggies you might have on hand, toss with olive oil, salt, and pepper, and you are on your way to the most simple and healthy dish.

Spending quality time with loved ones instead of eating unhealthy food

As corny as it sounds, remember that this time of year is about family and friends, not just indulgent food.

Sapna Vyas, ACE certified weight management specialist

