
Kit Harington, Emilia Clarke: Real heights of these Hollywood celebrities will surprise you

Did you know the real height of Kristen Bell, Daniel Radcliffe or Reese Witherspoon?

  • DNA Web Team
  • |
  • Oct 09, 2020, 06:40 PM IST

Celebrities, whether Bollywood, Hollywood or Television, are expected to be perfect in the way they look and present themselves. While they mostly manage the other aspects with a plastic surgery or simply accepting and making people understand they are just as humans and thus, their flaws should be accepted too, there is one little thing they cannot hide even if they want to - their heights.

When appearing on sets to shoot, these actor could make use of heels, stools and many other things to hide their real height, but during award shows, when bringing their true selves, that is not an option. Did you ever imagine that Jon Snow and Danaerys Targareyan from 'Game Of Thrones', who are such massive personalitites on the show, would actually be short in real life?

Here's the honest, true heights of celebrities that you probably did not know about...

1. Kit Harington

Kit Harington

The Jon Snow from 'Game Of Thrones' Kit Harington is five feet seven inch tall (or short?)

2. Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe

Not too far behind (actually a lit bit) is 'Harry Potter' star Daniel Radcliffe. His total height is five feet five inches.

3. Bruno Mars

Bruno Mars

Just like Radcliffe, America's beloved singer Bruno Mars is also five feet five inches tall (or is he?)

4. Mila Kunis

Mila Kunis

37-year-old Mila Kunis is five feet four inches in height.

5. Emilia Clarke

Emilia Clarke

Yet another 'Game Of Thrones' sweetheart, Emilia Clarke, is five feet two inches in height.

6. Kim Kardarshian

Kim Kardarshian

Kim Kardarshian has faced enough controversy around her figure (being called short and fat). One of them happens to be true since she is just five feet two inches in height.

7. Kevin Hart

Kevin Hart

Popular actor and TV host Kevin Hart also follows suit. His height is five feet two inches too.

8. Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga

One of the singers to have gained immense popularity over the years, Lady Gaga is blessed with a height of five feet one inch.

9. Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon, like Lady Gaga, is just five feet one inch in height.

10. Kristen Bell

Kristen Bell

'The Good Place' for Kristen Bell ends at five feet one inch.

11. Ellen Page

Ellen Page

'The Umbrella Academy's most powerful, Ellen Page, is also five feet one inch.

