
'Paranormal Activity: Ghost Dimension' Review - It neither scares you nor keeps you hooked!

Film: Paranormal Activity: Ghost Dimension

'Paranormal Activity: Ghost Dimension' Review - It neither scares you nor keeps you hooked!
Paranormal Activity: Ghost Dimension

Film: Paranormal Activity: Ghost Dimension
Director: Gregory Plotkin
Cast: Chris J Murray, Brit Shaw Ivy George, Olivia Taylor Dudley, Dan Gill
Rating: * (One star)

What's it about:
A family moves into a rather large house and immediately, a home video begins to take shape, thanks to the father following them around everywhere with a video camera. The camera gets replaced with an old, rather curious one that he finds in the garage along with some old VHS tapes. By and by, as he goes through the videos, he finds that there is a dark presence in their house that has a keen interest in his daughter. They try to get her help, but will it be enough.

What's hot: 
Full marks to the sound and FX department along with post-production for doing their job competently. Yeah, that's it.

What's not:
Along with being a found footage film (old hat for this franchise now), PA:GD is one of the most derivative, banal, middling film in this horror sub-genre. The performances are nothing worth writing home about. The screenwriters seem to be writing just to fill boring moments with even more boring moments. Even if this isn't a creature horror flick, there's nothing here that plays tricks with your mind either. It's the kind of film that you could take your kids to, and they wouldn't get scared. 

What to do:
Nothing riles you more than a horror film that doesn't keep you hooked or even scared throughout, even for a hour and a half.

