
'Meet Bill' is a mixed bag of rather uninteresting emotions

Bernie Goldmann and Melissa Wallack debut as directors with this uneven tale about an uninteresting man, Bill who is stuck in an unrewarding job.

'Meet Bill' is a mixed bag of rather uninteresting emotions
Meet Bill
Cast: Aaron Eckhart, Logan Lerman, Elizabeth Banks
Director: Bernie Goldmann and Melissa Wallack
Rating: **

Bernie Goldmann and Melissa Wallack debut as directors with this uneven tale about an uninteresting man, Bill who is stuck in an unrewarding job in his in-laws’ firm while his wife seeks solace elsewhere.

Bill is quite despondent when his father-in-law persuades him to mentor an obnoxious kid and voila! Bill's existence suddenly finds value. Certainly there's nothing earth-shattering or ingenious about the story, neither is it the run-of-the-mill kind.

There was much that could have been done with the basic premise. A lot of screen-time was wasted in establishing Bill's discontentment. The unimpressive Bill being married to a sophisticate does appear improbable.

The narrative explains this away as the sophisticate's rebellion against parental expectations. Which is quite acceptable upto a point. But the reasoning falls flat when we don't see the rudiments of the rebellion.

Eckhart and Lerman show-off a great rapport but Eckhart and Banks appear too deadened in their together scenes to garner any sympathy for either character. This one is a mixed bag at best!

