
Happy New Year—No, Happy Now Here!

I resolve never to make any resolutions because all resolutions are restrictions for the future, said Osho.

Happy New Year—No, Happy Now Here!

Time was approaching the new year and everybody was busy making arrangements about how to welcome it and make resolutions for the new year. A disciple who was totally confused and unable to come to any conclusion, asked Osho: "If one were to make only one new year's resolution, what would you suggest?"

Osho responded in his very unique way: "This and only this can be the new year's resolution: I resolve never to make any resolutions because all resolutions are restrictions for the future. All resolutions are imprisonments. You decide today for tomorrow? You have destroyed tomorrow.

Allow the tomorrow to have its own being. Let it come in its own way! Let it bring its own gifts.

"Resolution means you will allow only this and you will not allow that. Resolution means you would like the sun to rise in the west and not in the east. If it rises in the east, you will not open your windows; you will keep your windows open to the west.

What is resolution? Resolution is struggle. Resolution is ego. Resolution is saying, "I cannot live spontaneously." And if you cannot live spontaneously, you don't live at all -- you only pretend.

"So let only one resolution be there: I will never make any resolutions. Drop all resolutions! Let life be a natural spontaneity. The only golden rule is that there are no golden rules."

According to Osho, a man of meditation lives moment to moment -- Here and Now! And this moment is all there is. Out of this moment emerges the next moment. This moment contains eternity. So no need of wishing Happy New Year! Say Happy Now Here! 

The author travels around the world to facilitate Osho meditation retreats

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