
From weight gain to fatty liver: Side effects of consuming soft drinks

Here are some of the health problems that might be caused by drinking soft drinks.

  • DNA Web Team
  • |
  • Sep 03, 2021, 06:15 PM IST

Sugary beverages are the worst sugar sources. Sugary sodas are especially guilty of this, but it also applies to fruit juices, excessively sweetened coffees, and other liquid sugar sources. It can be harmful to your health if consumed on a daily basis or in high quantities. Obesity, type 2 diabetes, and weight gain are all linked to drinking high-sugar soft drinks. However, drinks can harm your teeth, potentially leading to cavities and even apparent tooth decay. When you consume soda, the sugars react with microorganisms in your mouth to produce acid.

Take a look at the side effects of consuming soft drinks-

1. Weight Gain

Weight Gain

It goes without saying that cold drinks cause weight gain. Sodas and soft drinks are high in sugar, which causes you to gain weight quickly. Coca-cola has a massive 8 teaspoons of sugar in a single can. Cold drinks may quench your thirst, but they don't fill you up. They may temporarily alleviate hunger symptoms, but they can lead to overeating in the long run.

2. May cause Diabetes

May cause Diabetes

The insulin hormone's main job is to transport glucose from your bloodstream to your cells. Your cells may develop resistant to the effects of insulin if you consume sugar in the form of soft drinks on a regular basis. As a result, your pancreas produces more insulin, causing an insulin spike in your blood. Because sodas are high in sugar, it is well known that consuming too much fructose can cause insulin resistance. As a result, consuming too many soft drinks may lead to Type 2 diabetes. Several studies have also linked soda consumption to the development of Type 2 diabetes.

3. Fatty Liver

Fatty Liver

Glucose and fructose are the two major components of refined sugar. Glucose is easily absorbed by your body's cells, whereas fructose is exclusively processed by the liver. Soft drinks contain an excessive amount of fructose, which can lead to an overload. The liver turns the fructose into fat, which is then deposited on the liver as a result of the overload. This can quickly progress to fatty liver disease, which is extremely deadly.

4. Tooth Decay

Tooth Decay

Soft drinks are bad for your teeth and might make them more susceptible to decay. Sodas include phosphoric and carbonic acids, both of which can damage tooth enamel over time. Acid combined with sugar prepares the perfect environment for bacteria to thrive in your mouth, which can cause cavities.

5. High in calories

High in calories

Cold drinks are calorie-free and devoid of minerals and nutrients. A bottle of your typical soft drink has roughly 150-200 calories in it, all of which are sugar and calories. Sugar rushes create dopamine in your body, which satisfies your cravings, but they can become addictive over time.

