
Public must know of our problems too: BS Narayana Murthy, president of the Auto and Taxi Drivers Association

Police must conduct etiquette classes for autorickshaw drivers

Public must know of our problems too: BS Narayana Murthy, president of the Auto and Taxi Drivers Association

Overcharging autos, faulty metres and rude drivers have been a perpetual woe for Bangaloreans. Several complaints by commuters, reassurances from the police and even extensive media coverage have failed to improve the situation in the city, citizens claim. BS Narayana Murthy, president of the Auto and Taxi Drivers Association, spoke to DNA on the issue.

Commuters complain that the behaviour of Bangalore auto drivers is the worst in the country. What is the reason for this?

We are incurring huge losses in our business. Ever since the metro work has started in Bangalore, it has become extremely difficult for the auto drivers to do good business. Since, we have to take longer routes than usual, sometimes the auto drivers ask for extra fares. The passengers fail to understand the difficult circumstances under which we ride autos. Bangalore roads are terrible, full of pot holes and ditches. So, when the auto drivers have to ride in the middle of choc-a-bloc traffic, they become agitated at the slightest of provocation from the passengers. The passengers are also expected to understand the problems of the auto drivers.

Why are not unions taking up the issue of ensuring that drivers behave better?

All the major unions in Bangalore conduct training classes for the auto drivers. We have our centres in Yelahanka, Hebbal, Mysore and Malleswaram. In each of these places, a circle inspector oversees the entire training session. But, in case of any problem, the commuters can file a complaint with the Union. All the auto drivers should have the number of the union they belong to. If the complaint is genuine, the President of the union can cancel the membership of the auto driver.

The law says that drivers ferry the passenger to his/her desired destination. Yet refusal to ply is the biggest complaint.

Yes, the law says so. But, there are some practical problems which need to be considered. In case of roads like MG Road or CMH Road where there is incredible traffic jams throughout the day, it becomes difficult for us to ride through these roads. Besides, we can make no profit in our business too. That is why some of the auto drivers refuse to ply through certain routes. But, if an auto driver refuses to ply or misbehaves with the passenger, he or she should file a complaint at 100 or 103. A fine of Rs200 can be levied against the auto driver. The complaint should have details about the time and nature of the problem. It should also contain  the vehicle number of the auto rickshaw.

How many auto drivers are there in Bangalore? Which are their major unions?

There are around 85, 000 auto drivers in Bangalore. The major unions are the Auto and Taxi Drivers’ Association, affiliated to BJP, Adarsh Auto Drivers’ Union and Auto Rickshaw Drivers Union, affiliated to CITU.

