
Positive Thinking: Vitamin “V”

A balance between vitamins and values are vital for a great life.

Positive Thinking: Vitamin “V”

For physically weak people, vitamins are of value as they remove  deficiencies and provide essential nutritive components. But mere talk of vitamins, without taking the required one in our physical system, would not help us. Same also may be said of Values.

People talk about values for two reasons. One of these is that it has become fashionable to talk about them.

Secondly, we use different masks in order to get acceptance, com­mendation and praise. However, this mask does not represent our real self. So, even though a person talks of values, he may, in reality, be the very opposite of it. In his personal life, he might not be practicing it. In that case, it would be mere hypocrisy and it will do dis-service to the society where he exists.

Hence, when people discover that men in power and high position merely talk of values but do not practice them, they then become disillu­sioned. They lose hope and feel frustrated. Under such a situation, hypocrisy becomes the worst enemy and sincerity turns out to be the real friend and real promoter of values.

Sincerity prepares our mind to imbibe other values too. It wins the hearts of others and enables a person to be nearer to the Supreme Being. This virtue is a close friend of Honesty, Integrity, Truthfulness, Simplicity and Clean Heartedness.

As it comes - Crookedness, Deceit, Hypocrisy, the habit to Hide and Seek, Dishonesty, etc., leave their nest and run away from a person’s mind.

It gives us great relief, a unique experience of lightness and peace and is the fore-runner of complete purity. So, let sincerity in our mind be cultivated earnestly and enthusiastically to bring “Real Change” in Society.

