
Taking on dyslexia

Even before Aamir Khan would have thought of Tare Zameen Par Aryanish and Aasma Patel, two sisters have been running workshops for dyslexic kids to correct their difficulties.

Taking on dyslexia

Sisters Aryanish and Aasma Patel are determined to help kids overcome this handicap

Even before Aamir Khan would have thought of Tare Zameen Par Aryanish and Aasma Patel, two sisters have been running workshops for dyslexic kids to correct their difficulties. About three years ago Aryanish took a dyslexia assessment test and found out that she herself was  dyslexic.

A close relative then suggested Aasma as well as Aryanish to undergo a course to help dyslexic kids. The duo did the course from USA as well as London and now guarantee complete correction for dyslexia within thirty classes.

Aryanish says, “My dyslexia was corrected by my sister Aasma. And then we thought of helping other kids out. We earlier used to teach one kid at a time but as time passed we realised that a lot of kids need help and hence we started with our workshops.”

 Helping out kids has been a satisfying experience for both of them. And more than anything the bond between them has strengthened manifolds. “I have realised that I don’t need to express my feelings to Aasma. She understands how I am feeling without even me telling her,” beams Aryanish.

Getting back to the dyslexia, Aryansish explains that dyslexic understands pictures and the word ‘understand’ is very difficult for them to understand as it doesn’t have any picture. But Aryanish believes that dyslexia is not a disability it is ‘different intelligence’.

She says, “Richard Brandson, Tom Cruise are dyslexic and it is noted that all dyslexics have a streak of the genius in them, what is required is to tap their assets correctly.” She adds, “My only appeal to parents is that as soon as their kids start writing in mirror images or pronounce ‘for’ as ‘from’ or find it difficult to recognise letters, they should be helped out. There is no need to get depressed as dyslexia can be completely cured.”


