
From Bhujangasana to Surya Namaskar, Shavasana: Yoga poses that can help ease depression, anxiety

Regularly performing these yoga poses can help reduce symptoms of depression by lowering stress, encouraging relaxation, and improving general well-being. They can also be used in conjunction with pranayama and meditation.

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From Bhujangasana to Surya Namaskar, Shavasana: Yoga poses that can help ease depression, anxiety


Yoga is a holistic discipline that incorporates breathing exercises (pranayama), physical postures (asanas), and meditation techniques to enhance mental and general well-being. Yoga can be a useful adjuvant therapy for depression, even though it might not be a complete replacement for medical treatment. 

The following list of yoga poses may help reduce depression symptoms:

Surya Namaskar: It is often known as the Sun Salutation, is a series of twelve postures done fluidly. Surya Namaskar promotes a sensation of vitality and well-being by energizing the body, enhancing circulation, and releasing tension.

Child's pose, or balasana: It is a mild forward bend that soothes the mind, relaxes the nervous system, and encourages release and surrender. Balasana is especially helpful in lowering tension and anxiety.

Bridge Pose or setu bandhasana: The bridge pose stimulates the abdominal organs and expands the neck, chest, and spine. It lessens anxiety, weariness, and insomnia while also soothing the brain, which helps treat mild depression.

Upward-facing dog pose, or Urdhva mukha svanasana: It is a backbend that strengthens the spine, expands the chest, and enhances energy levels and posture. Additionally elevating mood, Upward-Facing Dog Pose calms the nervous system and eases moderate depressive symptoms.

Adho mukha svanasana or Downward-facing dog pose: This energizing inversion improves blood flow to the brain, fostering mental clarity and easing the signs of exhaustion, tension, and depression.

Legs-up-the-wall pose or Viparita karani: This healing inversion eases tension, soothes the nervous system, and quiets the mind. Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose is good for controlling depression because it also enhances circulation, releases tension in the legs and lower back, and encourages relaxation.

Bhujangasana: It is also known as the Cobra Pose, which opens the heart center and expands the abdomen, shoulders, chest, and lungs. By improving circulation, lessening weariness, and fostering a sense of well-being, it improves mood.

Shavasana or corpse posture: It is the last pose that promotes complete relaxation and helps the body and mind integrate the benefits of the practice. Shavasana encourages profound relaxation and inner serenity while lowering tension, anxiety, and depressive symptoms.

Regularly performing these yoga poses can help reduce symptoms of depression by lowering stress, encouraging relaxation, and improving general well-being. They can also be used in conjunction with pranayama and meditation. Before beginning any new fitness or wellness programme, it's crucial to speak with a healthcare provider, particularly if you have a medical condition like depression. Additionally, you may guarantee correct alignment and technique for a safe and productive practice by enrolling in yoga sessions taught by certified instructors.

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