
Why nonprofits should have a strong online presence?

Nonprofits should adapt to technology and start raising online donations. Donorbox is one of the promising online donation platforms widely used. Donorbox is an efficient online donation software that is easy to set up and attracts many recurring donors. Donorbox is widely used by 35,000 nonprofits across 35+ countries.

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Why nonprofits should have a strong online presence?
Websites are essential in order to promote and raise any organization’s reach and popularity. It enhances peer to peer referrals


Websites are essential in order to promote and raise any organization’s reach and popularity. It enhances peer to peer referrals, indeed.

And when it comes to non-profit websites then online presence is a crucial thing to get discover your brand by others.

Nonprofit organizations work for the mutual benefit of people instead of working for the sole benefits of owners only.

The prime goal of non-profit organizations is usually to enhance the quality of life for others at a community, local, state, national, or even global level.

A few well known non-profit organizations include habitat for humanity, the Red Cross, and the united way.

Nonprofits should adapt to technology and start raising online donations. Donorbox is one of the promising online donation platforms widely used.


Donorbox is an efficient online donation software that is easy to set up and attracts many recurring donors. Donorbox is widely used by 35,000 nonprofits across 35+ countries.

Nowadays, people are very socially active, whether you have to do online shopping, check reviews of entertainment shows or movies, cook something, everything is online.

It is a great method of advertising too. If you want your organization must be recognized on a large scale then the organization’s online presence must be robust specifically on social media platforms.

It seems arduous for any organization to keep up the pace with the ever-changing digital world, But it is not as burdensome as it appears in the real-world.

It is, in fact, simple to freshen up a non-profit web presence and develop a digital strategy that can make wonders.

Here Check the list of some practical and trouble-free ways that may work out for you !!

1. Keep a regular check on the help of a nonprofit web consultant.

2. Freely search for custom web solutions.

3. Make User-friendly interactive website (must be engaging enough)

4. Optimize your donation and registration forms properly so that they should not cause any issues in real-time when any contributor works towards it.

5. Integrate a nonprofit website with your CRM.

6. Engage with your donors actively on social media.

7. Update your users regularly on your contribution via emails and social media sharing.

Quick Tips:

  • You must have heard that sometimes what you think less is actually more !! The similar thing is with the stuff present on the website. You should have an easy to use top navigation bar on your website. It’s highly recommended to have a donation button at the right top corner on your navigation bar.
  • People don’t have much time to locate the useful information from the cluttered patterns of stuff, If he or she could not discover whatever he desires, he will not contribute so website stuff must be convincing and engaging enough.
  • Know your donors first and invest your time on them: Depending on the mission of the nonprofit, it is likely to have people who are passionate supporters and want to help. So you must have a proper strategy to identify them and target them.
  • Make your goals and work in that direction only: The goals must be very clear. The agenda of your website, the noble causes, everything must be properly stated over there. Nonprofit organizations must have clearly defined goals in order to achieve success.

How Social Media Can Surge Up Online Presence of Organizations?

Expand your reach, spread the word about your mission, 

You have a new website, now, You want to make it popular among people, but the question is how?

The answer is social media. Let the World Know You're on Social Media by following ways :

It’s not compulsory to own a page on each platform, and you can opt for the ones that are most relevant and related to your business.

Here are some of the best practices :

  • If you own video content, YouTube and Periscope can be good options.
  • Use consistent photos, headshots, and logos.
  • Make the most of visual content
  • Complete your social profiles.
  • Pick Your social channels wisely.
  • If you produce stunning photos, Instagram and SnapChat would be good choices.
  • Design and share industry-adjacent Content.
  • If you write a lot of how-to guides, or recipe or craft related content, Pinterest is the place for you.
  • Do not post photos or videos that could damage your reputation.
  • Create a Schedule and Post Content Regularly.
  • Be Engaging.
  • Have a presence on most popular social media platforms like Twitter and a Facebook page.
  • Add Social Links to Your Email Signatures.
  • Think twice before you post.

Social media platforms undoubtedly thrive on fundamental human nature and need to share information with each other. When people see something they can relate with, they are supposed to share it with their friends, or family members, and most of the people may repost it on their profile, which will definitely spread your word maximum.

Start planning an online fundraiser.

Since online is the new trend, So why not charity?

Charity happens online too. You can start fundraising via your website for the noble works. Many big-hearted people can contribute to your noble piece of work. You can share such links on your social media accounts too to spread its reach. Moreover, you can take your digital fundraising strategy to the next level by hosting a fundraiser explicitly designed for an online audience.

One thing one should never forget is that Non-Profit organizations work on very low budgets.

They need money and support of maximum people to help the underprivileged and needy areas. But the path to this destination could be smooth if more and more people can join, which is only possible when the organization will have an online presence. If nobody knows about your nonprofit organization, for which mission you are working, your goals are not identified, Then you can’t convince people to support your mission.

Peer-to-Peer fundraising can be helpful in that case.

Engage and involve potential users

Value your users first !!

This is the ultimate way to flourish in social media accounts You can use these accounts to not only share your own content but to follow people in your niche. Keep Sharing their content, chat with them, and build secure connections with them.

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