
In conversation with Youth Congress National Coordinator and social worker, Abhay Tiwari

Abhay Tiwari has worked selflessly for the corona survivors and the needy ones, on his contribution to the society.

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In conversation with Youth Congress National Coordinator and social worker, Abhay Tiwari


India has witnessed more devastating times in the second wave of coronavirus and there seemed no light at the end of the tunnel to overcome the unprecedented pandemic. But people like Abhay Tiwari emerged as a blessing in disguise for the countrymen and their willingness to serve people gave India corona warriors and dedicated front liners.

Our team spoke to Abhay Tiwari, who has worked selflessly for the corona survivors and the needy ones, on his contribution to the society.

Q. What made you join the National Congress?

A. Since childhood, my vision was to serve the nation and help the last man in line. I idealized Mahatma Gandhi and followed his principles. I, then, decided to enter politics as politics has power for social change. I started from the stretch as none of my family members is in politics. Gradually achieving milestones and working with dedication, I became national coordinator of the Indian Youth Congress and In-charge for Madhya Pradesh and Jharkhand (IT & Social Media)

Q. As social media plays a great role in election campaigns, being in-change of Madhya Pradesh Youth Congress’ IT and social media, what do you want to say on the status of Congress and youth’s participation in coming urban-body elections?

A. Your question is very valid. Social Media is the strongest tool of elections’ campaigning. We will campaign more vigorously than our opposite parties in upcoming civic elections of Madhya Pradesh. We will engage more than 50 social media workers in each booth that will educate people about our early works and more importantly, disclose corrupt policies of the ruling government. Future time will witness our win over municipal corporations in which social media will play a key role.

Q. Has the party benefited or harmed by the internal polls of Youth Congress? What do you think about internal polls?

A. Internal polls ensure internal democracy into the organization, which is mandatory for the fair division of positions. Definitely, it has benefitted the party as deserving youth from non-political backgrounds also got a chance to grab a position in the party. Today, many office-bearers of the party are from ordinary families, and it all happened because of the poll as per the vision of respectable Rahul Gandhi.

Q. BJP is active on social media and uses SM strategies, where do you rate Congress’ online presence as compared to BJP?

A. BJP and Congress are two different parties based on different ideologies, and thus their working mechanism is different. BJP uses many social media strategies to highlight themselves in a good light. Many morphed pictures of PM Modi and lies are now coming to light, and thus they frantically adopt more tactics to handle them. Congress doesn't indulge itself in all these.

Q. Besides handling the work of your position, what drives you to be a social worker?

A. I feel what I do as a national coordinator is not enough for the nation. We are a developing nation and underprivileged people need more and more assistance. Thus, I work at my best pace. I, along with my party members, teamed up with various NGOs to supply medical aids to the needy ones in the time of horrific pandemic.

Q. How did you help people in the time of pandemic?

A. I used multiple platforms and ways to help people. For awareness, what could be a better medium than social media. Social media has the power to reach millions and it’s cost effective. Being prudent, I run social media campaigns and used hashtags like #SOSIYC, #SOSJHARKHAND and #SOSMPYC. In a democratic country, I have been vocal about the locals’ issues regarding infrastructure, arrangements, unavailability of resources and the others and criticized the current government for their mismanagement. For materialistic help, I tried to satisfy people’s needs as best as I could, by distributing corona kits containing essentials such as masks, sanitizers, gloves, medicines, shields and the like.

Q. Who do you think is responsible for the second wave of coronavirus?

A. We all are responsible for the second wave, our actions led to this horrific situation. If everyone has been cautious and the election commission has taken proper measures to conduct elections, then many people's lives have been saved. Carelessness of people boomed the virus in our country again and the government is equally responsible for not imposing lockdown at the initial stage of the second wave and it worsened the situation more.

Q. Any message would you like to convey to the youth of the country?

A. India is a young country with more than half of the population under the age of 25. Millennials are the future of our country and India needs young leaders to become a developed nation. My message to them is, think for the nation first. What is good for the country as a whole, is good for you. Live to serve the nation.

Young leaders like Abhay Tiwari are the future of our country whose selfless work and dedication makes a significant difference and brings positive change in the country. People, who got aid from him, owe Tiwari for his timely aid to them. His vision and dedication is a blessing in disguise for the nation.

Disclaimer: Brand desk content

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