"The last time I was on a plane, I took a ton of photos, hoping I could stitch them together for some nice semi-panoramic aerial shots. And for the most part, they turned out pretty well, but then I envisioned passing iconic images embedded in the landscapes I was passing and thus, started working on this image series. I have a few more done and that I’m working on, but i wanted to wait till I had at least the trinity done before posting any of the series, so here’s the main Justice League set."


That's the quote by jixustudios, just before he put out some amazing fan art for the new Zack Snyder film - Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice.

So far he's covered the major characters from the League. But he's put out art for the smaller yet popular characters like Nightwing, Red Robin and Oracle as well.


Also Read: Game of Thrones' Jason Momoa to play Aquaman in Batman vs Superman?


Also Read: First look at Ben Affleck as Batman in Zack Snyder's 'Batman Vs Superman'

Birds of Prey


Green Lantern


Also Read: Nightwing, the first Robin to appear in 'Superman vs Batman' and may appear in The CW's 'Arrow' as well


The Flash

Red Robin

Wonder Woman


Also Read: Details on Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor in 'Superman vs Batman' revealed

Justice is Coming.

Also Read: Injustice - Gods Among Us may be an insight into Superman vs Batman

All images via Diviant Art