World’s richest man Elon Musk has plans to colonise Mars. While you may not relate to this wish of his, you’ll surely connect with his daily goals. The Tesla and SpaceX CEO wants to rework his daily plan, starting from the moment he wakes up.


The business tycoon recently interviewed with Full Send Podcast where he spilled some details about his morning routine.

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Musk admitted that he checks his phone the first thing in the morning and he thinks that this habit could be detrimental to his health.

“I have a bad habit — which I suspect a lot of people do — of immediately checking my phone (in the morning). It’s a terrible habit, actually,” he said.

Earlier, the business magnate told Auto Bild – a German automobile magazine that he spends the initial 30 minutes of every day checking his emails. He now wishes to replace the habit with workout.

“I [need] to work out and be in better shape,” Musk unveiled on the Full Send Podcast.

“So, I’m going to switch from immediately looking at my phone as soon as I wake up to working out for at least 20 minutes — then I’ll look at my phone,” he added.

According to IDC Research, nearly 80 per cent smartphone users check their phones in the first 15 minutes of waking up. Clearly, you and Musk are quite similar!

As per research, early workouts can boost an individual’s productivity throughout the day. A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine in 2019 stated that daily, moderate daily morning exercise improves attentiveness, short-term memory and decision-making ability.

Media reports claim that Musk usually goes to sleep around 3:00 am and wakes up by 9:30 am.

The business tycoon assets that his smartphone habit is related to anxiety as he wants to ensure that he is always present when his companies need him.

“I run SpaceX and Tesla, so there’s usually some sort of thing that’s happened over night,” he admitted on the podcast.

This isn’t the first time Musk has publicly talked about his vices — or his motivation to curb them. In the same 2014 Auto Bild interview, he said he’d worked to cut down his caffeine intake so he wouldn’t get so wired at work.

“There were probably times when I had like eight [Diet Cokes] a day or something ridiculous,” Musk said in that interview. “I think these days it’s probably one or two, so it’s nothing too crazy.”

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