
Female VJs giving tough competition to their male counterparts

A new crop of female VJs is giving their male counterparts a run for their money with their spunk and sex appeal.

Female VJs giving tough competition to their male counterparts

What’s common between video jockeys (VJs) Bani, Archana Vijaya and Rhea Chakraborty? They are three of the most promising faces on television, who with their spunk and sex appeal, are giving their male counterparts a hard time. Bani says, “Women are great at talking on and on about anything under the sun. So that helps being a VJ.” Rhea adds, “Girls are more talented in every aspect because they love talking, chatting and gossiping.” 

Archana furthers, “I’m sure most men would agree that women are just sexier than men and nothing is more interesting than a sexy girl knowing what she’s talking about. We are just able to hold a viewers attention for a bit longer.”

Being a VJ also has its own perks. They earn at least twice the amount that the men garner.

“You get to meet a variety of people and you get to cover all kinds of genres in terms of shows,” says Bani.

But it has its flip side too. Archana ends saying, “I have heard about casting couch often but I think it’s simply how you carry yourself and how desperate you are for the job.”

