May 22, 2024, 11:24 PM IST

8 places on earth that look like another planet

Shweta Singh

This vast salt flat transforms into a giant mirror during the rainy season, reflecting the sky and creating a surreal, endless horizon.

Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

Known as the Valley of the Moon, this desert's vast sandy plains and towering rock formations resemble the surface of Mars.

Wadi Rum, Jordan

Home to bizarre plants like the dragon's blood tree, this remote island’s unique flora and landscapes look like they belong to an alien world.

Socotra Island, Yemen

Located in Arizona, this slot canyon’s wave-like walls and light beams create a magical, otherworldly effect.

Antelope Canyon, USA

With its towering sand dunes and the eerie beauty of Deadvlei, where ancient trees stand against orange sands, this desert feels like an alien landscape.

Namib Desert, Namibia

The bright white terraces of travertine and thermal waters of Pamukkale create a stunning, otherworldly scene.

Pamukkale, Turkey

This salt lake's striking red and pink hues, caused by microorganisms, create a stark and alien landscape.

Lake Natron, Tanzania

This table-top mountain, with its sheer cliffs and misty summit, is like a mysterious, floating island from another world.

Mount Roraima, Venezuela