Apr 14, 2024, 10:31 AM IST

7 countries with the most number of fighter jets

Pravrajya Suruchi

United States: The US maintains a massive air force with a significant number of fighter jets, likely exceeding 2,000.

Russia: Russia possesses a formidable air force with an estimated fighter jet count surpassing 1,500.

China: China's air force is rapidly growing, and their fighter jet numbers are estimated to be over 1,000.

India: India has a large and well-equipped air force with a fighter jet count exceeding 700.

Japan: Japan has a modern air force with a significant fighter jet fleet, likely exceeding 200.

South Korea: South Korea maintains a well-developed air force with an estimated fighter jet count over 150.

France: France boasts a strong air force with a fighter jet fleet likely exceeding 200.

Disclaimer: It's important to note that these numbers are estimates and can fluctuate due to factors like retirements, new acquisitions, and secrecy surrounding military capabilities.