May 26, 2024, 08:40 AM IST

10 countries with highest number of time zones

Pravrajya Suruchi

The following countries are exceptional examples of nations that have spread so far and wide, typically by latitude, as to occupy several time zones.

France (13 time zones): This includes their overseas territories. Metropolitan France itself has one time zone.

Russia (11 time zones): Russia's vast size across 11 time zones makes sense!

United States (11 time zones): The US mainland has 4 time zones, but also includes territories in the Pacific and Caribbean adding to the total.

Australia (9 time zones): Australia's large size and spread across multiple territories gives it 9 time zones.

United Kingdom (9 time zones): Similar to France, the UK's overseas territories contribute to its high number of time zones.

Denmark: Five time zones exist throughout Denmark, even though it seems small in comparison to its neighbors, Norway and Sweden.

Brazil: Just by the sheer size and the assimilation of adjacent islands, Brazil uses four time zones.

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