Apr 4, 2024, 03:17 PM IST

Simple home remedies for headache

Deepika Shakya

Here are some simple home remedies for headaches

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, as dehydration can often trigger headaches.


Find a quiet, dark room to rest and relax, as noise and bright lights can worsen headaches.

Rest in a Quiet Environment

Apply a cold compress or ice pack to the forehead or temples for 15-20 minutes to numb the pain and constrict blood vessels.

Cold Compress

Alternatively, a warm compress or heating pad applied to the neck or back of the head can help relax tense muscles and ease tension headaches.

Warm Compress

Gently massage the temples, neck, and shoulders to relieve muscle tension and improve blood flow.


Sip on herbal teas like peppermint or chamomile, which have calming properties that can help alleviate headache symptoms.

Herbal Teas

Inhale peppermint or lavender essential oil vapors or apply diluted oil to the temples for soothing relief from headaches.

Essential Oils

This content including advice gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.