Mar 4, 2024, 05:25 PM IST

8 tips to reduce salt intake

Khushi Patel

Examine Food Labels

Observe the salt levels specified on food labels. Pick goods that are marked as "no added salt" or "low sodium" wherever you can

Cook from Scratch

Instead of depending on processed or pre-packaged foods, which can have a lot of added salt, prepare meals at home with fresh, complete ingredients

Use Herbs and Spices

Instead of using salt to flavour your food, try using herbs, spices, and citrus liquids. Try experimenting with different herbs and spices to improve the flavour of your food without using extra salt

Limit Processed Foods

Because processed foods often include a lot of sodium, try to limit your consumption of items like frozen dinners, packaged snacks, deli meats, and canned soups. When feasible, choose homemade, fresh alternatives

Rinse Canned Foods

To get rid of extra salt, give canned beans, veggies, or other canned foods a good rinse under running water before eating

Be Aware When Dining Out

To ensure you are consuming the right amount of sauces and dressings, ask to have foods made without additional salt or to have them served on the side

Select Low-Sodium Substitutes

Swap out high-sodium condiments (such as mustard, ketchup, and soy sauce) with low-sodium or salt-free alternatives. When buying these products, look for ones with lower salt content

Gradually Reduce Salt

When preparing or serving food, gradually cut back on the amount of salt you use. With time, your taste receptors will change and you'll become used to eating less salty meals

This content, including advice, gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion