May 24, 2024, 09:08 PM IST

10 reasons your AC bill is going up

Shweta Singh

Every air conditioner is equipped with a built-in timer function, allowing users to set a timer for automatic shutdown, effectively reducing electricity consumption.

Sleep timer 

Integrate your AC with smart home devices like Alexa or Google Assistant to create routines. You can schedule your AC to turn on before you arrive home or turn off when you leave, optimizing its usage and reducing energy waste.

Smart home devices

Utilize the different modes available on your AC, such as eco or energy-saving mode, which can help reduce energy consumption without sacrificing comfort.

Different AC Modes

Ceiling fans don’t actually cool rooms; they just circulate air. Turn them off when you leave a room to save energy, and rely on your AC to manage the temperature.

Ceiling Fans

Make sure doors and windows are properly sealed to prevent cool air from escaping. Use weather stripping or caulk to seal gaps and close doors to unused rooms to maximize efficiency.

Shut everything

Regular maintenance of your AC unit ensures it operates efficiently. Clean or replace filters, check refrigerant levels, and make sure all components are in good working order.


Set your AC to an optimal temperature, typically around 78°F (25-26°C) in summer. This reduces energy consumption while still keeping your home comfortable.

Optimal AC Temperature

Minimize the runtime of your AC by using it only when necessary. Turn it off when you're not at home or when the weather is mild enough to go without it.
