May 27, 2024, 01:09 PM IST

10 ladoos good for summer 

Kumar Vishnu Kant

Whole wheat flour ladoo Made from whole wheat flour, ghee, milk, watermelon seeds and cardamom powder, provides strength all day.

Dry Fruits Ladoo Mix chopped dry fruits like almonds, cashews, pistachios, and raisins with desiccated coconut and condensed milk. Shape into balls.

Coconut Ladoos Coconut ladoos are delicious sweet balls made of coconut, jaggery and cardamom.

Rava (Semolina) Ladoo Roast rava in ghee until golden. Add powdered sugar, cardamom powder, and nuts. Mix well, shape into balls.

Sattu Ke Ladoo Made with sattu flour, powdered jaggery, ghee, cardamom powder, chopped nuts and a pinch of salt keeps you hydrated and nourished.

Sesame (Til) Ladoo Roast sesame seeds until they are fragrant. Mix with jaggery or sugar syrup, cardamom powder, and chopped nuts. Shape into balls.

 Moong Dal Ladoo Blending of roasted moong dal with jaggery and cardamom, filled with goodness of moong dal and binded with ghee.

Ragi Ladoo Blend of roasted ragi with cardamom powder, peanuts, jaggery powder, sooji and binded with ghee, these ladoos are filled with high nutritional value

.Mango Ladoo Mix mango pulp, powdered jaggery, and a little milk powder. Roll into balls and garnish with chopped nuts.

 Besan Ladoo Roast besan (gram flour) in ghee until golden brown. Add powdered sugar, cardamom powder, and chopped nuts. Roll into balls.

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