As researchers are diving deeper into knowing details about Covid infection, lots of unexpected and shocking things are coming to the fore. A study recently published in the journal Nature Medicine has identified 62 symptoms associated with long term Covid. It also unveils several factors that are connected to a heightened risk of developing long Covid.


Some of the commonly reported symptoms of long Covid, include fatigue, shortness of breath and cough. The study shares results of analysis conducted among people who were hospitalised due to Covid.

The study has been released after thorough analysis of electronic primary care records of over 4,50,000 people in England who were Covid positive and over 1.9 million people who didn’t have any prior history of Covid.

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As per the results, those diagnosed with Covid were more likely to report 62 symptoms. Out of these, only 20 are listed in the World Health Organisation’s clinical case definition.

While some of the symptoms, including loss of sense of smell and shortness of breath and fatigue were expected. Others were quite surprising. These include hair loss, reduced libido, chest pain, fever, bowel incontinence, limb swelling and erectile dysfunction.

The study further asserts that young females belonging to certain ethnic minority groups, lower socioeconomic status, smoking status, body mass index and several other health issues were connected to a higher risk of reporting persistent symptoms over 12 weeks after getting Covid.

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