The prelims examinations for the UPSC are scheduled for next week, and aspirants are diligently preparing for them. After passing one of India's most difficult tests, candidates for administrative officials including IAS, IPS, and IFS are selected for service. Aspiring candidates frequently draw motivation from the accomplishments of the previous year's top performers and develop a strategy to pass the exam.


One such UPSC topper's motivational tale is receiving a lot of attention online. From his physical limitations to his financial struggles, IAS Ramesh Gholap is the epitome of pure dedication. He obtained 287 AIR without coaching classes.

Who is IAS officer Ramesh Gholap?

IAS Gholap who is currently employed as the Joint Secretary in the Energy Department in Jharkhand, was born and brought up in a lower-middle-class family. Gorakh Gholap, his father, had a bicycle repair shop. His drinking habits caused his health to start failing, and he eventually passed away while Ramesh was still in school.

For Ramesh, getting home was crucial after learning the heartbreaking news of his father's demise. Due to his physical limitations, the price for him was just to travel from his uncle's house to his father's funeral was just Rs.2, as per News18. However, his financial situation was so dire that he lacked even 2 rupees to cover travel expenses.

Vimla Gholap, Ramesh's mother, began selling bangles in neighbouring villages to help support the family and make ends meet. When their mother started her little work, Ramesh and his brother assisted her. Ramesh has a polio-affected left limb in addition to financial difficulties. However, his physical and financial circumstances did not crush his enthusiasm, and he moved in with his uncle in Barshi, Maharashtra, to continue his schooling.

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Ramesh excels in his studies, but because of his family's financial situation, he earned a diploma in education. He continued his degree in the arts from open university, and in 2009, he entered the teaching profession. Ramesh met a tehsildar while he was in college, and because of him, he was motivated to do outstanding accomplishments.

Ramesh resigned from his job and relocated to Pune for six months to study for the UPSC after his mother raised some funds for his studies. 

Cracked UPSC exam without coaching

Ramesh took a six-month leave from work to focus on his UPSC preparation. In 2010, he made his first try at the UPSC, however, he was unsuccessful. Ramesh thereafter began studying on his own for the UPSC. He ultimately qualified the Civil Services Examination in 2012 after much effort, devotion, and hard work. Ramesh Gholap attained the rank of 287 to become an IAS officer under the handicapped quota.

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