Apr 17, 2024, 05:03 PM IST

Foods to avoid eating before sleeping

Jaisal Kaur

Deep-fried foods: Foods like chicken popcorn, french fries, etc, must be avoided in dinner as they can lead to acid reflux.

Starchy foods: Avoid starchy foods at night as it spikes blood sugar and insulin in the blood.

Sugary foods: Avoid foods which can cause your blood sugar to rise as they can hamper your sleep.

Carb-rich foods: Avoid foods which are high in glycemic index and get absorbed in body at a faster rate.

Spicy foods: Spicy foods at night causes heartburn and indigestion.

Caffeine foods: Foods like tea, soda, some ice creams and desserts, normally have caffeine and hamper sleep.

High-protein foods: Foods like soy, paneer and meat should be avoided at night as it causes indigestion and are heavy.

Fatty foods: During dinner, you should avoid eating high-fat foods because they take a longer duration to be digested .

Disclaimer: This content including advice gives generic information only and is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.