
Women are also kicked about it!

With the FIFA World Cup already underway, female fans aren’t shying away from rooting for their favourite teams.

Women are also kicked about it!

With the Fifa World Cup already underway, female fans aren’t shying away from rooting for their favourite teams.

Played it as a child, now a spectator
It’s not a question of whether women understand football or not. It’s the stereotypical attitude our society has that sports are for men only, which needs to change. I’m interested in sports in general and have played football in my childhood. Hence, I’m well aware of all the rules and regulations of the game.
—Priya Gandhi, entrepreneur

Passion makes one a fan, not gender
I got hooked to the game years ago as most of my friends were football fans. Of course, it’s not difficult to see that men are in the majority when it comes to following the game, but women aren’t lagging behind. It doesn’t matter if one plays the game or not, it’s the passion one has for it that makes one a true fan.
—Sahitya Shetty, student

Can’t stop loving the game
For those of us who understand terms like crackback, block and offside, it is the game to watch. I do get a little confused with certain terms, but that doesn’t stop me for enjoying a match. It is because of my friends that I started understanding and enjoying the game and now can’t wait to watch the World Cup.
—Tabitha Thomas, content writer

Hope to see India play in WC one day
Football needs a lot of energy and tactful thinking which men excel at. I’m not a big fan, but I do follow the FIFA World Cup religiously. It’s a pleasure to watch so many talented men play for their country with so much passion. I hope one day India too will be counted among the football playing nations of the world.
—Trupti Prabhu, PR executive

Beckham got me hooked to the game
The first thing I knew about football was David Beckham. It was he that made me fall in love with the game.   From league matches to the English premiere, I watch it all. Football is more important to me than any other sport. I wish people looked beyond cricket and gave importance to other sports as well.
—Nisha Pillay, HR professional

