
Think twice before you gulp that can of energy

Energy drinks keep me awake during long office meetings. Therefore, I don't mind consuming them eventhough I know that they have some harmful effects.

Think twice before you gulp that can of energy
Energy drinks keep me awake during long office meetings. Therefore, I don't mind consuming them eventhough I know that they have some harmful effects. Sometimes, I consume them when I' am out with friends. Banning or withdrawing them from the market is unfair. Like cigarette packets, clear warnings should be put on bottles or cans, so that people can make an informed choice. —Mannan Abrol

Energy drinks are nothing but a big farce. They are portrayed as vitalisers, but they really don't add to any energy. Moreover, they taste awful too. Although, I don't know whether they are good or bad for our health, I avoid them as much as possible. I' am sure many don't know any harmful effects these energy drinks have so the concerned authorities should try to create awareness about them.  —Savio Almeida

FDA's notice to all major canned energy drink manufacturers and distributors asking them to withdraw their stock from the market, will be welcomed by all, especially parents since their children are hooked on to them. But I also believe that cigarettes and alcohol too should be treated in the same manner, since they are more harmful than energy drinks. —Sana Inamdar

I' am not aware that energy drinks contain more caffeine than permitted. All I know is that they are like any other aerated drinks that are advertised as providing energy to improve physical activity. If they are harmful for us, then I' am happy that they are being withdrawn from the market. The drinks are not suitable for teenagers and it should be banned because eventually they will lead to health problems.  —Ashish Singh

I' am not aware of the effects of energy drinks as I rarely consume them, may be just once in two months. The government should instead of withdraw them from the markets. If they can't do so then they should keep a regular check on the caffeine levels. Create more awareness so that people especially youngsters don't fall for advertisements, and know the complete truth.
 —Eswaran K

Compiled by Meghna Sharma

