
Kids adopted by homosexuals develop as well as those adopted by regular couples

A study found that whether or not adoptive children were developing in positive ways was unrelated to the sexual orientation of their adoptive parents.

Kids adopted by homosexuals develop as well as those adopted by regular couples

Children adopted by homosexual couples develop as well as those adopted by regular couples, says a new study.

The study found that whether or not adoptive children were developing in positive ways was unrelated to the sexual orientation of their adoptive parents.

"With thousands of children in need of permanent homes in the United States alone, our findings suggest that outreach to lesbian and gay prospective adoptive parents might benefit children who are in need," said psychology professor Charlotte J Patterson.

In fact, how well children were adjusted was significantly associated with how warmly their parents were orientated to them.

Joint adoptions by same-sex couples are permitted in many states in the US, including California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Vermont.

The finding appears in the August issue of the journal Applied Developmental Science.

