
How to access Wikipedia during the blackout

The mobile version of the website is available throughout the day, as confirmed by representatives of Wikimedia.

How to access Wikipedia during the blackout

Wikipedia has gone black for a day in protest against the proposed Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) Bill. But users can still access the website.

Here's how:

The mobile version of the website is available throughout the day, as confirmed by representatives of Wikimedia.

According to Matt Warman, consumer technology editor, Daily Telegraph, the mobile version, designed for mobile devices such as phones and tablets, can be can also be accessed on a computer via

On Google Android devices, the Wikipedia app also works, and again the site can be viewed through a phone or tablet’s internet browser.

On the iPad however, the site serves its full website, so although it was accessible earlier, Wikipedia is not currently available, writes Warman.

Currently, the site is displaying its articles for a short span of time and then covering them with its special ‘dark’ homepage protesting against the SOPA piracy legislation.

Cached versions, accessible via Google, and versions of Wikipedia articles on Facebook are also still available, as are the Spanish, Italian, French or other non-English language pages.

