
Google CEO slams Facebook for doing 'really bad job'

Larry Page's comments came just a few days after a smarter search engine Graph Search was launched by Facebook, prompting reports of a direct competition with Google

Google CEO slams Facebook for doing 'really bad job'

Google CEO Larry Page has criticised Facebook, saying it is doing a "really bad job on their products".

Page didn't elaborate on the reasons he thinks the company is doing a bad job, or which products he was referring to in particular, but it is still one of the more direct criticisms Page has levelled against Facebook to date, reports the Sydney Morning Herald.

Page's comments came just a few days after a smarter search engine Graph Search was launched by Facebook, prompting reports of a direct competition with Google

Page said Google is doing a different job with Google+, and hinted that a lot of their work have been copied by Facebook

Page also spoke about the need to keep Google successful with ambitious ideas and said there is a possibility that Google may eventually have 1 million employees working for it.

