
Creating power from pee may end the world of its energy woes!

Portable urinals could one day create power from pee, for researchers at the Bristol Robotics Lab are testing urine as potential energy source.

Creating power from pee may end the world of its energy woes!

Portable urinals could one day create power from pee, for researchers at the Bristol Robotics Lab are testing urine as potential energy source.

If researchers are successful, urinals could offer a solution to the world's energy crisis.

Dr Loannis Leropoulos, who is heading up the research, says that although the research on urine as fuel is still in its early stages, he believes pee could prove to be a significant source of power.

"We have already done preliminary tests which show it being a waste material that is very effective. We hope this research will help change the way we think about energy and human waste," the New York Daily News quoted Leropoulos as telling Science Daily.

"We hope to work towards producing a prototype portable urinal which would use urine to create power from fuel cells," he added.

