
A snooze cruise that fails in every department

It's hard to know where to begin when talking about this film — maybe at the end, because I came out of the show wanting a painkiller for my headache.

A snooze cruise that fails in every department
Rafoo Chakkar
Cast: Aslam Khan, Yudhishtir
Director: BH Tharun Kumar
Rating: 1/2

It's hard to know where to begin when talking about this film — maybe at the end, because I came out of the show wanting a painkiller for my headache.

What do you say about a film where even after the main characters have been robbed of all their worldly belongings and money, they manage two quick costume changes while still commiserating about their loss?

For those with mild interest: Twin brothers Munnu (Aslam Khan) and Pappu (Yudhishtir), on the run from their father's ultimatum of an arranged marriage, fall in love with sisters on the run Millie (Nisha Rawal) and Julie (Nauheed Cyrusi). But before they can pop the question, they are entrapped into marriage by ageing men-hating spinster sisters, Kokila (Archana Puran Singh) and Koena (Mita Vashisht).

The writer clearly had no idea how to resolve the story or where to draw the line on gags about how the boys are constantly getting into a soup, how dumb they are, how Koena and Kokila manipulate them, etc etc.

So the film goes on and on at a tortuous pace introducing more and more side characters while completely forgetting about the fathers of the two sets of runaway children, for example.

Branded a comedy, this film's script offers no laughs, at all. The direction is as inspired as watching paint dry. To the actors I suggest considering the merits of acting school and a new strategy when choosing projects. Advice to readers — save yourself a headache.

